P-ONE PMT Properties & Simulation

This document summarizes the simulation of the R14374 PMT and the digitization electronics.


Christian Haack

PMT Simulation

Simulation Code

The PMT simulation is implemented in the PMTSimulation.jl julia package.

Pulse Shape

The PMT pulse shape is modelled by a gumbel distribution: \[ p(t) = \frac{1}{b} \exp \left (- \frac{(x-a)}{b} - e^{-\frac{(x-a)}{b}} \right ) \] with parameters:

a=10.00, b=1.94, FWHM=6.0ns

Figure 1: Pulse shape of unfiltered (blue) and filtered (125MHz LPF, yellow)

Figure 1 shows the pulse shape and the filtered pulse after applying a 125Mhz low pass filter (LPF). The (unshifted) Gumbel distribution has a non-zero contribution for \(x<0\), thus the distribution is shifted by an arbitrary location parameter. This shift is later compensated in the transit time.

Transit Time

SPE Distribution

The SPE distribution is modelled as a mixture of a truncated normal distribution and an exponential distribution: \[ p(q) = a \cdot \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi\sigma^2}} \exp \left ( -\frac{(q-\mu)^2}{\sigma^2} \right ) + (1-a)\cdot \frac{1}{\theta}\exp \left( - \frac{q}{\theta}\right)\]

lines(0:0.01:5, x -> pdf(spe_d, x),
    axis=(; title="SPE Distribution", xlabel="Charge (PE)", ylabel="PDF"))

Figure 2: SPE Distribution

PMT Pulses

The PMT pulse amplitude (in units of PE) is drawn from the SPE distribution:

charges = rand(spe_d, 1000)
hist(charges, axis=(; xlabel="Charge (PE)", ylabel="Counts"))

Figure 3: Sampled SPE Distribution


Pulse Series

Pulse series are a collection of pulses at timestamps \(t_1, \ldots, t_n\) with charges \(q_1, \ldots, q_n\). Evaluating the pulse series corresponds to the analog output signal of the PMT:

pulse_series = PulseSeries([0, 5, 10], [1, 5, 1], pmt_config.pulse_model)

eval_grid = -5:0.05:25
eval_ps = evaluate_pulse_series(eval_grid, pulse_series)

fig, ax = lines(eval_grid, eval_ps, axis=(; xlabel="Time (ns)", ylabel="Amplitude (mV)"))
for (t, q) in pulse_series
    lines!(ax, eval_grid, x -> q * evaluate_pulse_template(pmt_config.pulse_model, t, x))

Figure 4: PMT signal (black) for three pulses (colored) at times 0ns, 5ns and 10ns with charges 1PE, 5PE and 1PE

Raw Waveforms

Raw waveforms are created by evaluating the pulse series with a given sampling frequency and adding gaussian white noise on top:

waveform = Waveform(pulse_series, pmt_config.sampling_freq, pmt_config.noise_amp)

lines(waveform.timestamps, waveform.values, axis=(; xlabel="Time (ns)", ylabel="Amplitude (mV)"))

Figure 5: Raw Waveform for three pulses at times 0ns, 5ns and 10ns with charges 1PE, 5PE and 1PE

Waveform digitization

Waveforms are digitized in multiple steps:

  1. Applying a filter (125MHz LPF) to the waveform
  2. Resampling the waveform with a given digitizer frequency
  3. Quantizing the waveform values with given digitizer levels
digi_wg = digitize_waveform(

fig, ax = lines(
    waveform.timestamps, waveform.values,
    axis=(; xlabel="Time (ns)", ylabel="Amplitude (mV)"), label="Raw Waveform")
lines!(ax, digi_wg.timestamps, digi_wg.values, label="Digitized Waveform")

Figure 6: Digitized Waveform for three pulses at times 0ns, 5ns and 10ns with charges 1PE, 5PE and 1PE

Dynamic range

We can test the effect of the dynamic range on small pulses. Figure 7 shows the digitized waveform for pulses with charges [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4] PE, with 12bits in a range of (0, 1)V. Figure 8 shows the waveform with 12bits in a range of (0, 3)V.

pulse_series = PulseSeries([0, 20, 40, 60], [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4], pmt_config.pulse_model)
waveform = Waveform(pulse_series, pmt_config.sampling_freq, pmt_config.noise_amp)

fig = Figure()
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1], xlabel="Time (ns)", ylabel="Amplitude (mV)")

eval_grid = -50:0.05:150
p1 = nothing
for (t, q) in pulse_series
    p1 = lines!(ax, eval_grid, x -> q * evaluate_pulse_template(pmt_config.pulse_model, t, x), color=:tomato)

digi_wg = digitize_waveform(

p2 = lines!(ax, digi_wg.timestamps, digi_wg.values, label="Digitized Waveform", linewidth=2)
bins = adc_bins(pmt_config.adc_dyn_range, pmt_config.adc_bits)

p3 = hlines!(ax, bins[1:15], color=(:black, 0.5), linestyle=:dot, label="ADC Levels")

Legend(fig[1, 2], [p1, p2, p3], ["Pulses", "Digitized Waveform", "ADC Levels"])

Figure 7: Digitized Waveform for three pulses at times 0ns, 5ns and 10ns with charges 1PE, 5PE and 1PE


Note that the dynamic range is typically defined as ratio between the smallest and largest value which can be assumed by the signal.

println(format("DNR for 12 bits in ({:.0f}, {:.0f}): {:.2f}", pmt_config.adc_dyn_range..., 10 * log10(bins[2] / bins[end])))
DNR for 12 bits in (0, 1000): -36.12
fig = Figure()
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1], xlabel="Time (ns)", ylabel="Amplitude (mV)")

eval_grid = -50:0.05:150
p1 = nothing
for (t, q) in pulse_series
    p1 = lines!(ax, eval_grid, x -> q * evaluate_pulse_template(pmt_config.pulse_model, t, x), color=:tomato)

digi_wg = digitize_waveform(
    yrange=(0.0, 3000.0),

p2 = lines!(ax, digi_wg.timestamps, digi_wg.values, label="Digitized Waveform", linewidth=2)
bins = adc_bins((0.0, 3000.0), pmt_config.adc_bits)

p3 = hlines!(ax, bins[1:5], color=(:black, 0.5), linestyle=:dot, label="ADC Levels")

Legend(fig[1, 2], [p1, p2, p3], ["Pulses", "Digitized Waveform", "ADC Levels"])

Figure 8: Digitized Waveform for three pulses at times 0ns, 5ns and 10ns with charges 1PE, 5PE and 1PE


Pulses are unfolded from digitized waveforms using non-negative least squares (NNLS). Pulse templates (PMT pulses after they have passed through the digitization chain) are placed on a fine time grid, with resolution smaller than the expected time resolution. The resulting summed signal is fitted to the digitized waveform, yielding a charge (scaling factor) for each pulse template which best matches the waveform. Pulses with small charges (\(<0.1\) PE) are cut out. Figure 9 shows an example of such an unfolding.

ps = PulseSeries([5.0], [1.0], pmt_config.pulse_model)
digi_wf = digitize_waveform(ps, pmt_config.sampling_freq, pmt_config.adc_freq, pmt_config.noise_amp, pmt_config.lp_filter, time_range=[-10, 50], yrange=(0.0, 1000.0),)
unfolded = unfold_waveform(digi_wf, pmt_config.pulse_model_filt, pmt_config.unf_pulse_res, 0.3, :nnls)

reco = PulseSeries(unfolded.times, unfolded.charges, pmt_config.pulse_model)

ts = -20:0.1:50
fig, ax = lines(ts, evaluate_pulse_series(ts, ps), label="Original Pulse",
    axis=(; xlabel="Time (ns)", ylabel="Amplitude (mV)"))
lines!(ax, digi_wf.timestamps, digi_wf.values, label="Digitized Pulse")
lines!(ax, ts, evaluate_pulse_series(ts, reco), label="Reconstructed Pulse")

Legend(fig[1, 2], ax)


Figure 9: Pulse unfolding for a 1PE pulse.

pulse_charges = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 1, 5, 10, 50, 100]
dyn_ranges_end = (100.0, 1000.0, 3000.0) # mV
data_unf_res = []

for (dr_end, c) in product(dyn_ranges_end, pulse_charges)
    pulse_times = rand(Uniform(0, 10), 500)

    noise_amp = find_noise_scale(0.6, (0, dr_end), adc_bits)
    for t in pulse_times
        ps = PulseSeries([t], [c], pmt_config.pulse_model)
        digi_wf = digitize_waveform(ps, pmt_config.sampling_freq, pmt_config.adc_freq, noise_amp, pmt_config.lp_filter, time_range=[-10, 50], yrange=(0.0, dr_end),)
        unfolded = unfold_waveform(digi_wf, pmt_config.pulse_model_filt, pmt_config.unf_pulse_res, 0.1, :nnls)
        if length(unfolded) > 0
            amax = sortperm(unfolded.charges)[end]

            push!(data_unf_res, (dr_end=dr_end, charge=c, time=t, reco_time=unfolded.times[amax], reco_charge=sum(unfolded.charges)))

data_unf_res_low_noise = []

for (dr_end, c) in product(dyn_ranges_end, pulse_charges)
    pulse_times = rand(Uniform(0, 10), 100)
    noise_amp = find_noise_scale(0.6, (0, dr_end), adc_bits)
    for t in pulse_times
        ps = PulseSeries([t], [c], pmt_config_high_sampl.pulse_model)
        digi_wf = digitize_waveform(ps, pmt_config_high_sampl.sampling_freq, pmt_config_high_sampl.adc_freq, noise_amp, pmt_config_high_sampl.lp_filter, time_range=[-10, 50], yrange=(0.0, dr_end),)
        unfolded = unfold_waveform(digi_wf, pmt_config_high_sampl.pulse_model_filt, pmt_config_high_sampl.unf_pulse_res, 0.1, :nnls)
        if length(unfolded) > 0
            amax = sortperm(unfolded.charges)[end]

            push!(data_unf_res_low_noise, (dr_end=dr_end, charge=c, time=t, reco_time=unfolded.times[amax], reco_charge=sum(unfolded.charges)))

data_unf_res_low_noise = DataFrame(data_unf_res_low_noise)
data_unf_res_low_noise[:, :dt] = data_unf_res_low_noise[:, :reco_time] - data_unf_res_low_noise[:, :time]

time_res_low_noise = combine(groupby(data_unf_res_low_noise, [:charge, :dr_end]), :dt => mean, :dt => std, :dt => iqr)

data_unf_res = DataFrame(data_unf_res)
data_unf_res[:, :dt] = data_unf_res[:, :reco_time] - data_unf_res[:, :time]

time_res = combine(groupby(data_unf_res, [:charge, :dr_end]), :dt => mean, :dt => std, :dt => iqr)

Timing Study

To test the impact of the digitization chain on the timing resolution, we can conduct a study with pulses for different charges and different settings of the dynamic range and the noise rate. Figure 10 summarizes the results. Figure 11 shows the time difference distribution for one simulation set. Note, that this simulation does not include the SPE distribution. The noise level (in units of ADC counts) assumed in the following studies is:

Noise level: 0.600 counts 
colors = Makie.wong_colors()

fig = Figure()
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1], xscale=log10, xlabel="Pulse Charge (PE)", ylabel="Time Resolution [IQR] (ns)")

for (i, (grpkey, grp)) in enumerate(pairs(groupby(time_res, :dr_end)))
    lines!(ax, grp[:, :charge], grp[:, :dt_iqr], label=string(grpkey[1]), color=colors[i])

for (i, (grpkey, grp)) in enumerate(pairs(groupby(time_res_low_noise, :dr_end)))
    lines!(ax, grp[:, :charge], grp[:, :dt_iqr], linestyle=:dash, color=colors[i])

group_color = [PolyElement(color=color, strokecolor=:transparent)
               for color in colors[1:3]]

group_linestyles = [LineElement(color=:black, linestyle=:solid),
    LineElement(color=:black, linestyle=:dash)]

ylims!(ax, 0, 5)

dyn_range_labels = getproperty.(keys(groupby(time_res, :dr_end)), :dr_end)

    fig[1, 2],
    [group_color, group_linestyles],
    [string.(dyn_range_labels), [format("{:.2f}", pmt_config.adc_freq), format("{:.2f}", pmt_config_high_sampl.adc_freq)]],
    ["Dynamic range (mV)", "Sampling Rate (MHz)"])

Figure 10: Time resolution of unfolded pulses.

Figure 11: Distribution of the time difference between pulse time and unfolded pulse time for 1PE pulses and 3mV dynamic range

Double Pulse Study

In order to identify \(\nu_\tau\) below 100TeV, analyzing the waveform structure for double pulse signatures might be beneficial. Here, we study the ability to recognize to distinct SPE pulses separated by a certain distance in time. As a metric we use the mean number of unfolded pulses, evaluated for double pulses vs. single, 2PE pulses. Here, the SPE distribution is included. The pulse separation time \(\Delta t\) can be converted into a \(\nu_\tau\) energy equivalent by using: \[ \Delta t = \frac{1}{c} \cdot \frac{50~\mathrm{m} \cdot E}{\mathrm{PeV}}\] which estimates the expected time difference between interaction vertex and decay vertex for a \(\tau\) of energy \(E\). This estimation is valid for \(\tau\) directions aligned with the line of sight of an individual PMT. Figure 12 shows the result of this study. At energies of 20TeV-30TeV, the mean number of unfolded pulses is significantly higher than for a single pulse with 2PE charge.


Note that the metric used here is not necessarily the optimal metric in identifying double pulses, but should be understood as a conservative estimate. Also note that this study does not average over different alignments of the tau relative to the PMT line of sight.

time_sep_per_GeV = (50 / 0.3) / 1E6
tau_log_e = 3:0.05:5
time_sep = time_sep_per_GeV .* 10 .^ tau_log_e
pulse_times = rand(Uniform(0, 10), 200)

rdt = []
rdc = []
sucess = []
results = []
for tle in tau_log_e
    time_sep = 10^tle * time_sep_per_GeV
    for t in pulse_times
        c = rand(spe_d)
        ps = PulseSeries([t, t + time_sep], rand(spe_d, 2), pmt_config.pulse_model)
        digi_wf = digitize_waveform(ps, pmt_config.sampling_freq, pmt_config.adc_freq, pmt_config.noise_amp, pmt_config.lp_filter, time_range=[-10, 50])
        unfolded_sig = unfold_waveform(digi_wf, pmt_config.pulse_model_filt, pmt_config.unf_pulse_res, 0.3, :nnls)

        ps = PulseSeries([t, t], rand(spe_d, 2), pmt_config.pulse_model)
        digi_wf = digitize_waveform(ps, pmt_config.sampling_freq, pmt_config.adc_freq, pmt_config.noise_amp, pmt_config.lp_filter, time_range=[-10, 50])
        unfolded_bg = unfold_waveform(digi_wf, pmt_config.pulse_model_filt, pmt_config.unf_pulse_res, 0.3, :nnls)

        push!(results, (np_sig=length(unfolded_sig), np_bg=length(unfolded_bg), tle=tle, time_sep=time_sep))

results = DataFrame(results)
results_mean = combine(groupby(results, :tle), [:np_sig, :np_bg] .=> mean, :time_sep => first)

fig = Figure()
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1], xlabel="Log10(Energy)", ylabel="Mean number of reco pulses",

lines!(ax, 10 .^ results_mean[:, :tle], results_mean[:, :np_sig_mean], label="Signal")
lines!(ax, 10 .^ results_mean[:, :tle], results_mean[:, :np_bg_mean], label="BG (2PE single)")
axislegend(ax, position=:lt)

ax2 = Axis(
    fig[1, 1],
    limits=(minimum(results_mean[:, :time_sep_first]), maximum(results_mean[:, :time_sep_first]), 0, 1),
    xlabel="Time Separation (ns)",
xlims!(ax, 10^tau_log_e[1], 10^tau_log_e[end])


Figure 12: Mean number of unfolded pulses for two distinct SPE (blue) vs. a single 2SPE pulse (orange)


BibTeX citation:
  author = {Christian Haack},
  title = {P-ONE {PMT} {Properties} \& {Simulation}},
  langid = {en}
For attribution, please cite this work as:
Christian Haack. n.d. “P-ONE PMT Properties & Simulation.”